Archive | 8:00 AM

Leaving on a Jet Plane

14 Mar
NYC Packing
I hate to pack.  I hate it with a passion.  I always over pack because I’m terrified to get somewhere and not have the “right” thing.
But this time I’ve planned my outfits out in advance.  And if I don’t have the “right” thing?  I’ll just go shopping.  Because I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to find what I want where I’m going.
And where am I going?  New York City!  I’ve never been to NYC and I’m super excited to go on my first “girls” trip with my friend Kim.  It will be a whirlwind trip but that just means it’s easier to pack for, right?
So pictured above is what I plan to wear.  I own some of the items and others are approximations.  And, yes, I plan to take pictures of this Loop Girl in the Big Apple.  Stay tuned!