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Leopard Showers

23 Mar

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Shirt – LOFT

Scarf – NYC Street Vendor

Jeans – The Limited

Shoes – Mia/Macy’s

Another casual Friday look!  The one day a week I can wear jeans to the office.

In fact, before I started this blog I spent a lot of time looking at other fashion blogs to see if I could help fill a niche.  What I found is that a lot of fashion bloggers were either too “high brow” (re: expensive designers, crazy vintage) or too casual (mostly jeans).  But, Jill at at Good Life (For Less) is pretty good at inspiring me with her color and pattern combinations even if she does despise dress pants.  So, I’m excited that she’s hosting a giveaway of her Spring 2012 looks:book!  All you have to do is follow her blog (and trust me, you’ll want to) and leave a comment!

And speaking of Spring, it appears our early summer weather has been replaced by traditional Chicago Spring weather.  Meaning:  rain.  So, in the interest of full disclosure, this is what I looked like while walking to the office:

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Coat – Gap Outlet

Boots – Kamik/