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Inspired Denim

20 Mar

denim_shirt_black_capris 001

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Shirt – Target

Capris – The Limited

Belt – The Limited

Necklace – ???

Why am I calling this look Inspired Denim?  Because it was inspired by an outfit idea from The Gap:

Source: via Erin on Pinterest



It feels a little casual for a non-summer weekday in the office but since I don’t have any meetings I think it will fly.

One of the blogs I read (You Look Fab) HATES cropped pants.  I, on the other hand, think they are a staple of office wear when you live in a city that gets hot and humid for a few months out of the year.  And since our hot weather has shown up a bit earlier than usual so did the cropped pants.

How do you feel about cropped pants?